Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging · by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (2024)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (1)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging

Raul Gomez1,2, Jaume Gibert1, Lluis Gomez2, and Dimosthenis Karatzas2

Eurecat, Centre Tecnologic de Catalunya, Unitat de Tecnologies AudiovisualsComputer Vision Center, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

{raul.gomez,jaume.gibert}@eurecat.org {lgomez,dimos}@cvc.uab.es

Abstract. People from different parts of the globe describe objects andconcepts in distinct manners. Visual appearance can thus vary across dif-ferent geographic locations, which makes location a relevant contextualinformation when analysing visual data. In this work, we address the taskof image retrieval related to a given tag conditioned on a certain locationon Earth. We present LocSens, a model that learns to rank triplets ofimages, tags and coordinates by plausibility, and two training strategiesto balance the location influence in the final ranking. LocSens learns tofuse textual and location information of multimodal queries to retrieverelated images at different levels of location granularity, and successfullyutilizes location information to improve image tagging.

1 Introduction

Image tagging is the task of assigning tags to images, referring to words thatdescribe the image content or context. An image of a beach, for instance, couldbe tagged with the words beach or sand, but also with the words swim, vacationor Hawaii, which do not refer to objects in the scene. On the other hand, image-by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textualquery. Similarly to the tagging task, the query words can refer to explicit scenecontent or to other image semantics. In this work we address the specific retrievalcase when the query text is a single word (a tag).

Besides text and images, location is a data modality widely present in contem-porary data collections. Many cameras and mobile phones with built-in GPS sys-tems store the location information in the corresponding Exif metadata headerwhen a picture is taken. Moreover, most of the web and social media platformsadd this information to generated content or use it in their offered services. Inthis work we leverage this third data modality: using location information can beuseful in an image tagging task since location-related tagging can provide bettercontextual results. For instance, an image of a skier in France could have thetags “ski, alps, les2alpes, neige”, while an image of a skier in Canada could havethe tags “ski, montremblant, canada, snow”. More importantly, location can alsobe very useful in an image retrieval setup where we want to find images relatedto a word in a specific location: the retrieved images related to the query tagtemple in Italy should be different from those in China. In this sense, it could beinteresting to explore which kind of scenes people from different countries and








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Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (2)

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Athens, Greece

Barcelona, Spain

Moscow, Russia

Istanbul, Turkey

Kathmandu, Nepal

Beijing, China

Rome, Italy

Lima, Peru


Paris, France

Rome, Italy

Tokyo, Japan

Amsterdam, Netherlands

New York, United States

Beijing, China

San Francisco United States

Sydney, Australia

Fig. 1. Top retrieved image by LocSens, our location sensitive model, for the queryhashtag “temple” at different locations.

cultures relate with certain broader concepts. Location sensitive retrieval resultsproduced by the proposed system are shown in Figure 1.

In this paper we propose a new architecture for modeling the joint distribu-tion of images, hashtags, and geographic locations and demonstrate its abilityto retrieve relevant images given a query composed by a hashtag and a loca-tion. In this task, which we call location sensitive tag-based image retrieval, aretrieved image is considered relevant if the query hashtag is within its ground-truth hashtags and the distance between its location and the query location issmaller than a given threshold. Notice that distinct from previous work on GPS-aware landmark recognition or GPS-Constrained database search [13, 14, 26, 29]in the proposed task the locations of the test set images are not available atinference time, thus simple location filtering is not an option.

As an alternative to manually annotated datasets, Web and Social Mediaprovide an interesting source of training data with all these sorts of modalities.The obvious benefits of this data are that it is free and virtually unlimited butalso very diverse in terms of (weak) annotations, so we can find images with ahuge diversity of hashtags and locations. Learning from this weakly superviseddata, however, comes with challenges: missing labels, since an image is not nec-essarily annotated with hashtags referring to all of its contents, and noise, sinceusers may tag images with hashtags that are not related to the image content.

A common approach to address these situations in both image by text re-trieval and image tagging setups is to learn a joint embedding space for imagesand words [6,15,30,39]. In such a space, images are embedded near to the wordswith which they share semantics. Consequently, semantically similar images arealso embedded together. Usually, word embedding models, such as Word2Vec [22]or GloVe [27] are employed to generate word representations, while a CNN istrained to embed images in the same space, learning optimal compact represen-tations for them. Word models have an interesting and powerful feature: wordswith similar semantics have also similar representations and this is a feature thatimage tagging and retrieval models aim to incorporate, since learning a joint im-age and word embedding space with semantic structure provides a more flexibleand less prone to drastic errors tagging or search engine.

Another approach to handle multiple modalities of data is by scoring tuplesof multimodal samples aiming to get high scores on positive cases and low scoreson negative ones [12, 31, 36, 40]. This setup is convenient for learning from Weband Social Media data because, instead of strict similarities between modalities,

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (3)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 3

the model learns more relaxed compatibility scores between them. Our workfits under this paradigm. Specifically, we train a model that produces scores forimage-hashtag-coordinates triplets, and we use these scores in a ranking loss inorder to learn parameters that discriminate between observed and unobservedtriplets. Such scores are used to tag and retrieve images in a location awareconfiguration providing good quality results under the large-scale YFCC100Mdataset [35]. Our summarized contributions are:

– We introduce the task of location sensitive tag-based image retrieval.– We evaluate different baselines for learning image representations with hash-

tag supervision exploiting large-scale social media data that serve as initial-ization of the location sensitive model.

– We present the LocSens model to score images, tags and location triplets(Figure 2), which allows to perform location sensitive image retrieval andoutperforms location agnostic models in image tagging.

– We introduce novel training strategies to improve the location sensitive re-trieval performance of LocSens and demonstrate that they are crucial inorder to learn good representations of joint hashtag+location queries.

2 Related Work

The computer vision and multimedia research communities have extensively ex-plored the use of geotagged images for different applications [18, 23], we discusshere the most related to our work. However, to the best of our knowledge, thetask of location sensitive retrieval as defined before, has not yet been addressed.

Location-aware image search and tagging. O’Hare et al. [26] presentedthe need of conditioning image retrieval to location information, and targeted itby using location to filter out distant photos and then performing a visual searchfor ranking. Similar location-based filtering strategies have been also used forlandmark identification [1] and to speed-up loop closure in visual SLAM [16].The obvious limitation of such systems compared to LocSens is that they requiregeolocation annotations in the entire retrieval set. Kennedy et al. [13, 14] andRattenbury et al. [29] used location-based clustering to get the most represen-tative tags and images for each cluster, and presented limited image retrievalresults for a subset of tags associated to a given location (landmark tags). Theydid not learn, however, location-dependent visual representations for tags as wedo here, and their system is limited to the use of landmark tags as queries. Onthe other hand, Zhang et al. [49] proposed a location-aware method for imagetagging and tag-based retrieval that first identifies points of interest, clusteringimages by their locations, and then represents the image-tag relations in eachof the clusters with an individual image-tag matrix [44]. Their study is limitedto datasets on single city scale and small number of tags (1000). Their retrievalmethod is constrained to use location to improve results for tags with locationsemantics, and cannot retrieve location-dependent results (i.e. only the tag isused as query). Again, contrary to LocSens, this method requires geolocationannotations over the entire retrieval set. Other existing location-aware tagging

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (4)

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methods [17, 24] have also addressed constrained or small scale setups (e.g. afixed number of cities) and small-size tag vocabularies, while in this paper wetarget a worldwide scale unconstrained scenario.

Location and Classification. The use of location information to improveimage classification has also been previously explored, and has recently expe-rienced a growing interest by the computer vision research community. Yuanet al. [48] combine GPS traces and hand-crafted visual features for events classi-fication. Tang et al. [34] propose different ways to get additional image contextfrom coordinates, such as temperature or elevation, and test the usefulness ofsuch information in image classification. Herranz et al. [10, 46] boost food dishclassification using location information by jointly modeling dishes, restaurantsand their menus and locations. Chu et al. [2] compare different methods tofuse visual and location information for fine-grained image classification. Mac etal. [19] also work on fine-grained classification by modeling the spatio-temporaldistribution of a set of object categories and using it as a prior in the classificationprocess. Location-aware classification methods that model the prior distributionof locations and object classes can also be used for tagging, but they can notperform location sensitive tag-based retrieval because the prior for a given query(tag+location) would be constant for the whole retrieval set.

Image geolocalization. Hays et al. [8] introduced the task of image geolo-calization, i.e. assigning a location to an image, and used hand-crafted features toretrieve nearest neighbors in a reference database of geotagged images. Gallagheret al. [4] exploited user tags in addition to visual search to refine geolocaliza-tion. Vo et al. [37] employed a similar setup but using a CNN to learn imagerepresentations from raw pixels. Weyand et al. [41] formulated geolocalizationas a classification problem where the earth is subdivided into geographical cells,GPS coordinates are mapped to these regions, and a CNN is trained to predictthem from images. Muller-Budack et al. [25] enhanced the previous setup usingearth partitions with different levels of granularity and incorporating explicitscene classification to the model. Although these methods address a differenttask, they are related to LocSens in that we also learn geolocation-dependentvisual representations. Furthermore, inspired by [37], we evaluate our models’performance at different levels of geolocation granularity.

Multimodal Learning. Multimodal joint image and text embeddings is avery active research area. DeViSE [3] proposes a pipeline that, instead of learningto predict ImageNet classes, learns to infer the Word2Vec [22] representationsof their labels. This work inspired others that applied similar pipelines to learnfrom paired visual and textual data in a weakly-supervised manner [6, 7, 32].More related to our work, Veit et al. [36] also exploit the YFCC100M dataset[35] to learn joint embeddings of images and hashtags for image tagging andretrieval. They work on user-specific modeling, learning embeddings conditionedto users to perform user-specific image tagging and tag-based retrieval. Apartfrom learning joint embeddings for images and text, other works have addressedtasks that need the joint interpretation of both modalities. Although some recentworks have proposed more complex strategies to fuse different data modalities [5,

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (5)

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21,28,38,47], their results show that their performance improvement compared toa simple feature concatenation followed by a Multi Layer Perceptron is marginal.

3 Methodology

Given a large set of images, tags and geographical coordinates, our objective isto train a model to score triplets of image-hashtag-coordinates and rank them toperform two tasks: (1) image retrieval querying with a hashtag and a location,and (2) image tagging when both the image and the location are available. Weaddress the problem in two stages: first, we train a location-agnostic CNN tolearn image representations using hashtags as weak supervision. We propose dif-ferent training methodologies and evaluate their performance on image taggingand retrieval. These serve as benchmark and provide compact image represen-tations to be later used within the location sensitive models. Second, using thelearnt image and hashtags best performing representations and the locations, wetrain multimodal models to score triplets of these three modalities. We finallyevaluate them on image retrieval and tagging and analyze how these modelsbenefit from the location information.

3.1 Learning with hashtag supervision

Three procedures for training location-agnostic visual recognition models usinghashtag supervision are considered: (1) multi-label classification, (2) softmaxmulti-class classification, and (3) hashtag embedding regression. In the following,let H be the set of H considered hashtags. Ix will stand for a training image andHx ⊆ H for the set of its groundtruth hashtags. The image model f(·; θ) usedis a ResNet-50 [9] with parameters θ. The three approaches eventually producea vector representation for an image Ix, which we denote by rx. For a givenhashtag hi ∈ H, its representation —denoted vi— is either learnt externally orjointly with those of the images.

Multi-Label Classification (MLC). We set the problem in its most naturalform: as a standard multi-label classification setup over H classes correspond-ing to the hashtags in the vocabulary H. The last ResNet-50 layer is replacedby a linear layer with H outputs, and each one of the H binary classificationproblems is addressed with a cross-entropy loss with sigmoid activation. Letyx = (y1x, . . . , y

Hx ) be the multi-hot vector encoding the groundtruth hashtags of

Ix and fx = σ(f(Ix; θ)), where σ is the element-wise sigmoid function. The lossfor image Ix is written as:

L = − 1H


[ yhx log fhx + (1− yhx) log(1− fhx ) ]. (1)

Multi-Class Classification (MCC). Despite being counter-intuitive, severalprior studies [20, 36] demonstrate the effectiveness of formulating multi-label

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (6)

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problems with large numbers of classes as multi-class problems. At training timea random target class from the groundtruth set Hx is selected, and softmaxactivation with a cross-entropy loss is used. This setup is commonly known assoftmax classification.

Let hix ∈ Hx be a randomly selected class (hashtag) for Ix. Let also f ix bethe coordinate of fx = f(Ix; θ) corresponding to hix. The loss for image Ix is setto be:

L = − log



j=1 efjx

). (2)

In this setup we redefine ResNet-50 by adding a linear layer with D out-puts just before the last classification layer with H outputs. This allows gettingcompact image D-dimensional representations rx as their activations in suchlayer. Since we are in a multi-class setup where the groundtruth is a one-hotvector, we are also implicitly learning hashtag embeddings: the weights of thelast classification layer with input rx and output fx is an H ×D matrix whoserows can be understood as D-dimensional representations of the hashtags in H.Consequently, this approach learns at once D-dimensional embeddings for bothimages and hashtags. In our experiments, the dimensionality is set to D = 300to match that of the word embeddings used in the next and last approach. Thisprocedure does not apply to MLC for which groundtruth is multi-hot encoded.

Hashtag Embedding Regression (HER). We use pretrained GloVe [27]embeddings for hashtags, which areD-dimensional withD = 300. For each imageIx, we sum the GloVe embeddings of its groundtruth hashtags Hx, which wedenote as tx. Then we replace the last layer of the ResNet-50 by a D-dimensionallinear layer, and we learn the parameters of the image model by minimizing acosine embedding loss. If, fx = f(Ix; θ) is the output of the vision model, theloss is defined by:

L = 1−(

tx · fx‖tx‖ ‖fx‖

). (3)

As already stated by [36], because of the nature of the GloVe semantic space,this methodology has the potential advantage of not penalizing predicting hash-tags with close meanings to those in the groundtruth but that a user might nothave used in the image description. Moreover, as shown in [3] and due to thesemantics structure of the embedding space, the resulting image model will beless prone to drastic errors.

3.2 Location Sensitive Model (LocSens)

We design a location sensitive model that learns to score triplets formed byan image, a hashtag and a location. We use a siamese-like architecture and aranking loss to optimize the model to score positive triplets (existing in thetraining set) higher than negative triplets (which we create). Given an image Ix,we get its embedding rx computed by the image model, the embedding vxi

ofa random hashtag hix from its groundtruth set Hx and its groundtruth latitude

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (7)

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and longitude gx = [ϕx, λx], which constitute a positive triplet. Both rx and vxi

are L2 normalized and latitude and longitude are both normalized to range in[0, 1]. Note that 0 and 1 latitude fall on the poles while 0 and 1 represent thesame longitude because of its circular nature and falls on the Pacific.

The three modalities are then mapped by linear layers with ReLU activationsto 300 dimensions each, and L2 normalized again. This normalization guaran-tees that the magnitudes of the representations of the different modalities areequal when processed by subsequent layers in the multimodal network. Thenthe three vectors are concatenated. Although sophisticated multimodal data fu-sion strategies have been proposed, simple feature concatenation has also beenproven to be an effective technique [36,38]. We opted for a simple concatenationas it streamlines the strategy. The concatenated representations are then for-warded through 5 linear layers with normalization and ReLU activations with2048, 2048, 2048, 1024, 512 neurons respectively. At the end, a linear layer witha single output calculates the score of the triplet. We have experimentally foundthat Batch Normalization [11] hampers learning, producing highly irregular gra-dients. We conjecture that all GPU-allowable batch size is in fact a small batchsize for the problem at hand, since the number of triplets is potentially massiveand the batch statistics estimation will always be erratic across batches. Groupnormalization [45] is used instead, which is independent of the batch size andpermits learning of the models.

To create a negative triplet, we randomly replace the image or the tag ofthe positive triplet. The image is replaced by a random one not associated withthe tag hix, and the tag by a random one not in Hx. We have found that theperformance in image retrieval is significantly better when all negative tripletsare created replacing the image. This is because the frequency of tags is preservedin both the positive and negative triplets, while in the tagging configuration lesscommon tags are more frequently seen in negative triplets.

We train with a Margin Ranking loss, with a margin set empirically to m =0.1, use 6 negative triplets per positive triplet averaging the loss over them, anda batch size of 1024. If sx is the score of the positive triplet and sn the score ofthe negative triplet, the loss is written as:

L = max(0, sn − sx +m). (4)

Figure 2 shows the model architecture and also the training strategies to balancelocation influence, which are explained next.

Balancing Location Influence on Ranking. One important challenge inmultimodal learning is balancing the influence of the different data modalities.We started by introducing the raw location values into the LocSens model, butimmediately observed that the learning tends to use the location information todiscriminate between triplets much more than the other two modalities, forget-ting previously learnt relations between images and tags. This effect is especiallysevere in the image retrieval scenario, where the model ends up retrieving im-ages close to the query locations but less related to the query tag. This suggeststhat the location information needs to be gradually incorporated into the scoring

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (8)

8 R. Gomez et al.

Fig. 2. The proposed LocSens multimodal scoring model trained by triplet ranking(bars after concatenation indicate fully connected + group normalization + ReLu ac-tivation layers). During training, location information is processed and inputted to themodel with different strategies.

model for location sensitive image retrieval. For that, we propose the followingtwo strategies, also depicted in Figure 2.

Progressive Fusion with Location Dropout. We first train a model with LocSensarchitecture but silencing the location modality hence forcing it to learn to dis-criminate triplets without using location information. To do that, we multiplyby α = 0 the location representation before its concatenation. Once the traininghas converged we start introducing locations progressively, by slowly increasingα until α = 1. This strategy avoids new gradients caused by locations to ruin theimage-hashtags relations LocSens has learned in the first training phase. In or-der to force the model to sustain the capability to discriminate between tripletswithout using location information we permanently zero the location represen-tations with a 0.5 probability. We call this location dropout in a clear abuse ofnotation but because of its resemblance to zeroing random neurons in the well-known regularization strategy [33]. For the sake of comparison, we report resultsfor the LocSens model with zeroed locations, which is in fact a location agnosticmodel.

Location Sampling. Exact locations are particularly narrow with respect to globalcoordinates and such a fine-grained degree of granularity makes learning trou-blesome. We propose to progressively present locations from rough precision tomore accurate values while training advances. For each triplet, we randomlysample the training location coordinates at each iteration from a 2D normal dis-tribution with mean at the image real coordinates (µ = gx) and with standarddeviation σ decreasing progressively. We constrain the sampling between [0, 1]by taking modulo 1 on the sampled values.

We start training with σ = 1, which makes the training locations indeedrandom and so not informative at all. At this stage, the LocSens model will learnto rank triplets without using the location information. Then, we progressivelydecrease σ, which makes the sampled coordinates be more accurate and useful

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (9)

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for triplet discrimination. Note that σ has a direct relation with geographicaldistance, so location data is introduced during the training to be first only usefulto discriminate between very distant triplets, and progressively between morefine-grained distances. Therefore, this strategy allows training models sensitiveto different location levels of detail.

4 Experiments

We conduct experiments on the YFCC100M dataset [35] which contains nearly100 million photos from Flickr with associated hashtags and GPS coordinatesamong other metadata. We create the hashtag vocabulary following [36]: weremove numerical hashtags and the 10 most frequent hashtags since they arenot informative. The hashtag set H is defined as the set of the next 100,000most frequent hashtags. Then we select photos with at least one hashtag from Hfrom which we filter out photos with more than 15 hashtags. Finally, we removephotos without location information. This results in a dataset of 24.8M images,from which we separate a validation set of 250K and a test set of 500K. Imageshave an average of 4.25 hashtags.

4.1 Image by Tag Retrieval

We first study hashtag based image retrieval, which is the ability of our modelsto retrieve relevant images given a hashtag query. We define the set of queryinghashtags Hq as the hashtags in H appearing at least 10 times in the testing set.The number of querying hashtags is 19, 911. If Rk

h is the set of top k rankedimages for the hashtag h ∈ Hq and Gh is the set of images labeled with thehashtag h, we define precision@k as:

P@k =1


|Rkh ∩Gh|k

. (5)

We evaluate precision@10, which measures the percentage of the 10 highestscoring images that have the query hashtag in their groundtruth. Under thesesettings, precision@k is upper-bounded by 100. The precision@10 of the differentlocation agnostic methods described in Section 3.1 is as follows: MLC: 1.01,MCC: 14.07, HER (GloVe): 7.02. The Multi-Class Classification (MCC) modelhas the best performance in the hashtag based image retrieval task.

4.2 Location Sensitive Image by Tag Retrieval

In this experiment we evaluate the ability of the models to retrieve relevant im-ages given a query composed by a hashtag and a location (Figure 1). A retrievedimage is considered relevant if the query hashtag is within its groundtruth hash-tags and the distance between its location and the query location is smaller thana given threshold. Inspired by [37], we use different distance thresholds to eval-uate the models’ location precision at different levels of granularity. We define

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (10)

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our query set of hashtag-location pairs by selecting the location and a randomhashtag of 200, 000 images from the testing set. In this query set there will berepeated hashtags with different locations, and more frequent hashtags over allthe dataset will also be more frequent in the query set (unlike in the locationagnostic retrieval experiment of Section 4.1). This query set guarantees that theability of the system to retrieve images related to the same hashtag but differ-ent locations is evaluated. To retrieve images for a given hashtag-location querywith LocSens, we compute triplet plausibility scores with all test images andrank them.

Table 1 shows the performance of the different methods in location agnosticimage retrieval and in different location sensitive levels of granularity. In locationagnostic retrieval (first column) the geographic distance between the query andthe results is not evaluated (infinite distance threshold). The evaluation in thisscenario is the same as in Section 4.1, but the performances are higher becausein this case the query sets contains more instances of the most frequent hash-tags. The upper bound ranks the retrieval images containing the query hashtagby proximity to the query location, showcasing the optimal performance of anymethod in this evaluation. In location sensitive evaluations the optimal perfor-mance is less than 100% because we do not always have 10 or more relevantimages in the test set.

Table 1. Location sensitive hashtag based image retrieval: P@10. A retrievedimage is considered correct if its groundtruth hashtags contain the queried hashtag andthe distance between its location and the queried one is smaller than a given threshold



Continent(2500 km)

Country(750 km)

Region(200 km)

City(25 km)

Street(1 km)

Upper Bound 100 96.08 90.51 80.31 64.52 42.46



ag MLC 5.28 2.54 1.65 1.00 0.62 0.17

MCC 42.18 29.23 24.2 18.34 13.25 4.66HER (GloVe) 37.36 25.03 20.27 15.51 11.23 3.65LocSens - Zeroed locations 40.05 28.32 24.34 18.44 12.79 3.74




Tag LocSens - Raw locations 32.74 28.42 25.52 21.83 15.53 4.83

LocSens - Dropout 36.95 30.42 26.14 20.46 14.28 4.64LocSens - Sampling σ = 1 40.60 28.40 23.84 18.16 13.04 4.13LocSens - Sampling σ = 0.1 40.03 29.30 24.36 18.83 13.46 4.22LocSens - Sampling σ = 0.05 39.80 31.25 25.76 19.58 13.78 4.30LocSens - Sampling σ = 0.01 37.05 31.27 26.65 20.14 14.15 4.44LocSens - Sampling σ = 0 35.95 30.61 27.00 21.39 14.75 4.83

Results show how the zeroed locations version of LocSens gets comparableresults as MCC. By using raw locations in the LocSens model, we get the bestresults at fine level of location detail at the expense of a big drop in locationagnostic retrieval. As introduced in Section 3.2, the reason is that it is relyingheavily on locations to rank triplets decreasing its capability to predict relationsbetween images and tags. As a result, it tends to retrieve images close to the

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (11)

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Fig. 3. Left: P@10 of the location sampling strategy for different σ and models withzeroed and raw locations. Right: P@10 difference respect to σ = 1.

query location, but less related to the query tag. The proposed dropout trainingstrategy reduces the deterioration in location agnostic retrieval performance ata cost of a small drop in the fine levels of granularity. Also, it outperformsthe former models in the coarse continent and country levels, due to its betterbalancing between using the query tag and location to retrieve related images.In its turn, the location sampling proposed approach with σ = 1 gets similarresults as LocSens with zeroed locations because the locations are as irrelevantin both cases. When σ is decreased, the model improves its location sensitiveretrieval performance while maintaining a high location agnostic performance.This is achieved because informative locations are introduced to the model in aprogressive way, from coarse to fine, and always maintaining triplets where thelocation is not informative, forcing the network to retain its capacity to ranktriplets using only the image and the tag.

Figure 3 shows the absolute and relative performances at different levels ofgranularity while σ is decreased. At σ = 0.05, it can be seen that the locationsensitive performances at all granularities have improved with a marginal dropon location agnostic performance. When σ is further decreased, performancesat finer locations keep increasing, while the location agnostic performance de-creases. When σ = 0, the training scenario is the same as in the raw locationsone, but the training schedule allows this model to reduce the drop in locationagnostic performance and at coarse levels of location granularity.

The location sampling technique provides LocSens with a better balancingbetween retrieving images related to the query tag and their location. Further-more, given that σ has a direct geographical distance interpretation, it permitsto tune the granularity to which we want our model to be sensitive. Note thatLocSens enables to retrieve images related to a tag and near to a given location,which location agnostic models cannot do. The performance improvements inTable 1 at the different levels of location granularity are indeed significant sincefor many triplets the geographic location is not informative at all.

Figures 1 and 4 show qualitative retrieval results of several hashtags at dif-ferent locations. They demonstrate that the model successfully fuses textual andlocation information to retrieve images related to the joint interpretation of thetwo query modalities, being able to retrieve images related to the same conceptacross a wide range of locations with different geographical distances betweenthem. LocSens goes beyond retrieving the most common images from each geo-

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (12)

12 R. Gomez et al.


Cape Town, South Africa

Toronto, Canada


Rome, Italy

New York, United States


El Cairo, Egypt

Christchurch, New Zealand


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Barcelona, Spain


Berlin, Germany

Chicago, United States


Havana, Cuba

Paris, France

Fig. 4. Query hashtags with different locations and top 3 retrieved images.

graphical location, as it is demonstrated by the winter results in Berlin or thecar results in Paris.

4.3 Image Tagging

In this section we evaluate the ability of the models to predict hashtags for imagesin terms of A@k (accuracy at k). If Hx is the set of groundtruth hashtags ofIx, Rk

x denotes the k highest scoring hashtags for the image Ix, and N is thenumber of testing images, A@k is defined as:

A@k =1




n ∩Hn 6= ∅], (6)

where 1[·] is the indicator function having the value of 1 if the condition isfulfilled and 0 otherwise. We evaluate accuracy at k = 1 and k = 10, whichmeasure how often the first ranked hashtag is in the groundtruth and how oftenat least one of the 10 highest ranked hashtags is in the groundtruth respectively.

A desired feature of a tagging system is the ability to infer diverse and distincttags [42,43]. In order to measure the variety of tags predicted by the models, wemeasure the percentage of all the test tags predicted at least once in the wholetest set (%pred) and the percentage of all the test tags correctly predicted atleast once (%cpred), considering the top 10 tags predicted for each image.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (13)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 13

Table 2 shows the performance of the different methods. Global Frequencyranks the tags according to the training dataset frequency. Among the locationagnostic methods, MCC is the best one. This finding corroborates the experi-ments in [20, 36] verifying that this simple training strategy outperforms otherswhen having a large number of classes. To train the LocSens model we used theimage and tag representations inferred by the MCC model, since it is the oneproviding the best results.

Table 2. Image tagging: A@1, A@10, %pred and %cpred of the frequency baseline,location agnostic prediction and the location sensitive model

Method A@1 A@10 %pred %cpred

Global Frequency 1.82 13.45 0.01 0.01

MLC 8.86 30.59 8.04 4.5MCC 20.32 47.64 29.11 15.15HER (GloVe) 15.83 31.24 18.63 8.74LocSens - Zeroed locations 15.92 46.60 26.98 13.31

LocSens - Raw locations 28.10 68.21 44.00 24.04

To get the highest scoring tags for an image with location with LocSens,we compute triplet plausibility scores with all the tags and rank them. LocSens- Zeroed locations stands for a model where the location representations arezeroed, so it only learns to rank image and tag pairs. The aim of training thismodel is to check whether LocSens additional capacity and training strategyare providing a boost on location agnostic tagging. Results confirm they arenot, since A@10 is comparable for both measures and A@1 drops significantly.This later deterioration is due to the softmax activations used in MCC, whichfoster highly frequent tags and penalize infrequent ones. Moreover, the trainingstrategy of the LocSens model does not penalize infrequent tags that much butsuffers greatly from the missing labels problem.

LocSens - Raw locations stands for the model where the raw triplets locationsare always inputted both at train and test time. It outperforms the location ag-nostic methods in accuracy, successfully using location information to improvethe tagging results. Moreover, it produces more diverse tags than location ag-nostic models, demonstrating that using location is effective for augmenting thehashtag prediction diversity. Figure 5 shows some tagging examples of a loca-tion agnostic model (MCC) compared to LocSens, that demonstrate how thelater successfully processes jointly visual and location information to assign tagsreferring to the concurrence of both data modalities. As seen in the first exam-ple, besides assigning tags directly related to the given location (london) anddiscarding tags related to locations far from the given one (newyork), LocSenspredicts tags that need the joint interpretation of visual and location informa-tion (thames). Figure 6 shows LocSens tagging results on images with differentfaked locations, and demonstrates that LocSens jointly interprets the image andthe location to assign better contextualized tags, such as caribbean if a sailingimage is from Cuba, and lake if it is from Toronto.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (14)

14 R. Gomez et al.

London, UK




Oudeschild, Netherlands




Paris, France




ground-truth location-agnostic location-sensitive

Asheville, UK

#biltmore #castle#paris#ottawa#architecture#canada


Visso, Italy




Beni, Nepal




Groundtruth Loc. agnostic LocSens Groundtruth Loc. agnostic LocSens

Fig. 5. Images with their locations and groundtruth hashtags and the correspondingtop 5 hashtags predicted by the location agnostic MCC model and LocSens.

Christchurch,New Zealand #newzealand#tramping#aotearoa#fiordland#milford



Havana,Cuba #ship#catamaran#ocean#caribbean#sailboat



Los Angeles,United States #water#lake#westlake#river#reflection

Rio Jaineiro,Brazil#river#amazonia#paraty#rio#rainforest

El Cairo,Egypt#egypt#river#water#nile#nature



San José,Costa Rica#road#highway#rural#centralamerica#carretera


San Francisco,UUEE#sanfrancisco#berkeley#unitedstates#street#oakland


Christchurch,New Zealand #newzealand#tramping#aotearoa#fiordland#milford



Havana,Cuba #ship#catamaran#ocean#caribbean#sailboat



Los Angeles,United States #water#lake#westlake#river#reflection

Rio Jaineiro,Brazil#river#amazonia#paraty#rio#rainforest

El Cairo,Egypt#egypt#river#water#nile#nature

Chicago,UUEE #road#highway#ohio#interstate#sign

San José,Costa Rica#road#highway#rural#centralamerica#carretera


Fig. 6. LocSens top predicted hashtags for images with different faked locations.

Note that LocSens infers tags generally related to the image content whileclearly conditioned by the image location, benefiting from the context given byboth modalities. Tagging methods based solely on location, however, can be veryprecise predicting tags directly referring to a location, like placenames, but can-not predict tags related to the image semantics. We consider the later a require-ment of an image tagging system, and we provide additional experimentation inthe supplementary material of this work.

5 Conclusions

We have confirmed that a multiclass classification setup is the best method tolearn image and tag representations when a large number of classes is available.Using them, we have trained LocSens to rank image-tag-coordinates triplets byplausibility. We have shown how it is able to perform image by tag retrievalconditioned to a given location by learning location-dependent visual represen-tations, and have demonstrated how it successfully utilizes location informationfor image tagging, providing better contextual results. We have identified a prob-lem in the multimodal setup, especially acute in the retrieval scenario: LocSensheavily relies on location for triplet ranking and tends to return images close tothe query location and less related to the query tag. To address this issue we haveproposed two novel training strategies: progressive fusion with location dropout,which allows training with a better balance between the modalities influence onthe ranking, and location sampling, which results in a better overall performanceand enables to tune the model at different levels of distance granularity.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (15)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 15


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Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (18)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 1

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and TaggingSupplementary Material

6 LocSens vs Visual Agnostic Tagging

LocSens has the capability of jointly modeling visual and location informationto assign better contextualized tags, and inferred tags are generally related tothe image content while clearly conditioned by the image location, as shown inpaper’s Figures 3 and 4. However, image location by itself is a powerful informa-tion to infer tags, since the words with which users tag their images are highlydependent on location. In fact, in addition to tags related with image content,images are usually tagged with the name of the place where they were taken.Images with places names as tags are particularly common in the YFCC100Mdataset used in this research, since most of the images are from photographer’stravels which tend to tag their uploaded images with their travels destinations.In this section we quantify how useful location information is if it is not jointlyinterpreted with visual information, and compare unimodal tagging performancewith LocSens performance. We then show how LocSens goes beyond predictingplaces names, jointly interpreting visual and location information to assign bet-ter contextualized tags related to the image content.

6.1 Location Based Baselines

YFCC100M dataset provides also country, region and town names associatedwith each image, which have been specified by the user or inferred from thelocation. We computed the most frequent tags for each country and town in thetraining set. Then, we tagged each test image with the most common tags inits location to evaluate visual agnostic location based tagging baselines. Table 1shows the performance of these baselines, the Multi-Class Classification loca-tion agnostic model and LocSens. Location based baselines scores are high, andthe Town Frequency baseline outperforms the MCC (the best location agnosticbaseline) in all metrics. It also outperforms LocSens in A@1 and reaches a closescore in A@10. However LocSens A@50 score is superior by a large margin tounimodal models. There are two reasons why location based baselines show highperformances:

1. Most of the YFCC100M images (78%) are tagged with places names. Placesnames are actually among the most common tags in the dataset. For instance:

Top global tags: london, unitedstates, england, nature, europe, japan, art, music, newyork, beachTop United States tags: unitedstates, newyork, sanfrancisco, nyc, washington, texas, florida, chicago, seattleTop San Francisco tags: sanfrancisco, sf, unitedstates, francisco, san, iphone, protest, gay, mission

2. In the A@k metric it is enough to correctly infer one image tag to get themaximum score for that image. Therefore, since most of the images are taggedwith places names, a tagging method solely based on location that does notpredict tags related to the image content can get high scores. As an example, ifan image is tagged with sydney, beach, sand and dog, a method predicting onlysydney from those tags would get the same A@k score as a method predicting

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (19)

2 R. Gomez et al.

all of them. However, we use A@k because is a standard performance metricfor tagging and because it is also adequate to evaluate how LocSens exploitslocation to outperform location agnostic models.

LocSens outperforms the location baselines in A@50 by a big margin. One ofthe reasons is that LocSens is also predicting correct tags for those images thatdo not have places names as tags.

Table 1. Image tagging: Accuracy@1, accuracy@10 and accuracy@50 of two visualagnostic hashtag prediction models, MCC and the location sensitive model.

Method A@1 A@10 A@50

Country Frequency 28.05 46.63 63.14Town Frequency 51.41 65.49 71.05

MCC 20.32 47.64 68.05

LocSens - Raw locations 28.10 68.21 85.85

6.2 Beyond Places Names

Location based baselines achieve high A@k scores by predicting places namesas tags because most of the images are tagged with them. However, LocSens,besides predicting tags related to image content and tags directly related tothe given location, it predicts tags given the joint interpretation of visual andlocation information. To evaluate this behaviour, we omitted places names fromgroundtruth, frequency baselines and inferences and evaluated the methods. Weconstruct the places list to omit by gathering all the continents, countries, regionsand towns names in YFCC100M. Table 2 shows the results. All performancesare significantly worse, which is due to the less amount of groundtruth tags.LocSens performs much better than the best location agnostic model (MCC)even in this setup, where predicting places names tags is not evaluated. Thisproves that LocSens goes beyond that, exploiting location information to jointlyinterpret visual and location information to predict better contextualized tags. Inthis case, LocSens performs also much better than the location based baselines,since the reason of their high performance is their accuracy predicting placesnames, as explained in the former section.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (20)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 3

Table 2. Image tagging omitting places names: Accuracy@1, accuracy@10 andaccuracy@50 of two visual agnostic hashtag prediction models, MCC and the locationsensitive model.

Method A@1 A@10 A@50

Country Frequency 3.80 17.21 41.60Town Frequency 16.97 34.95 47.53

MCC 15.15 36.75 51.80

LocSens - Raw locations 17.34 44.45 61.10

7 Results Analysis

7.1 Retrieval

Beyond retrieving common images at each location. Paper’s Figure 1and Figure 1 in this supplementary material show LocSens retrieval results forthe hashtag temple and bridge at different locations. They demonstrate howLocSens is able to distinguish between images related to the same concept acrossa wide range of cities with different geographical distances between them. Notethat, despite some specific bridges might have a huge amount of images taggedwith bridge in the dataset, as the San Francisco bridge or the Brooklyn bridgein New York, the system manages to retrieve images of other less representedbridges around the world. So, first and despite the bridges samples unbalance,it is learning to extract visual patterns that generalize to many different bridgesaround the world and, second, it is correctly balancing the tag query and locationquery influence in the final score. Paper’s Figure 5 shows LocSens results forhashtags queries in different locations. The model is able to retrieve imagesrelated to a wide range of tags, from tags referring to objects, such as car,to tags referring to more abstract concepts, such as hiking, from the 100.000tags vocabulary. It goes beyond learning the most common images from eachgeographical location, as it is demonstrated by the hiking results in El Cairoor the car results in Paris, which are concepts that do not prevail in images inthose locations, but the system is still able to accurately retrieve them.

Challenging queries. Figure 2 shows LocSens results for hashtag queries indifferent locations where some queries are incompatible because the hashtagrefers to a concept which does not occur in the given location. When queryingwith the beach hashtag in a coastal location such as Auckland, LocSens retrievesimages of close-by beaches. But when we query for beach images from Madrid,which is far away from the coast, we get bullfighting and beach volley images,because the sand of both arenas makes them visually similar to beach images. Ifwe try to retrieve beach images near Moscow, we get scenes of people sunbathing.Similarly, if we query for ski images in El Cairo and Sydney, we get images ofthe dessert and water sports respectively, which have visual similarities with skiimages.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (21)

4 R. Gomez et al.

P@10 depending on hashtag frequency. Figure 3 shows the P@10 score onlocation agnostic image retrieval for the MLC, the MCC and the HER trainingmethods for query tags as a function of their number of appearances on thetraining set. It shows that all methods perform better for query hashtags thatare more frequent in the training data, but MCC significantly outperforms theother methods also in less frequent hashtags.

P@10 per continent at country granularity. Figure 4 shows the number oftraining images per continent, and the P@10 at country level (750 km) per con-tinent of the LocSens model performing better at it (σ = 0). It shows how, withthe exception of the Asia, the precision at country level is higher for continentswith a bigger amount of training images.


Paris, France

Rome, Italy

Tokyo, Japan

Amsterdam, Netherlands

New York, United States

Beijing, China

San Francisco United States

Sydney, Australia

Fig. 1. Top retrieved image by the location sensitive model for the query hashtag“bridges” at different locations.

#beachAuckland, New Zealand

Madrid, Spain

#skiMunich, Germany

El Cairo, Egypt

#carnivalRio, Brazil

Venice, Italy

Moscow, Russia

Sydney, Australia

Tokyo, Japan

Fig. 2. Query hashtags with different locations where some queries are incompatiblebecause the hashtag refers to a concept which does not occur in the query location.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (22)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 5

Fig. 3. Image Retrieval P@10 per hashtag as a function of the number of hashtagappearances in the training set for the MLC, the MCC and the HER models.

Fig. 4. Number of training images per continent and Location Sensitive Image RetrievalP@10 at country granularity (750 km) per continent.

7.2 Tagging

Paper’s Figure 4 and Figure 5 of this supplementary material show LocSenstagging results for images with different faked locations. They demonstrate thatLocSens is able to exploit locations to assign better contextualized tags, jointlyinterpreting both query visual and location modalities. For instance, it assignsto the river image lake and westlake if it is from Los Angeles, since Westlakeis the nearest important water geographic accident, while if the image is fromRio de Janeiro it tags it with amazonia and rainforest, and with nile if it isfrom El Cairo. In the example of an image of a road, it predicts as one of themost probable tags carretera (which means road in spanish) if the image isfrom Costa Rica, while it predicts hills, Cumbria and Scotland if the image isfrom Edinburgh, referring to the geography and the regions names around. Ifthe image is from Chicago, it predicts interstate, since the road in it may befrom the United States interstate highway system. These examples prove thejoint interpretation of the visual and the location modalities to infer the mostprobable tags, since predicted tags are generally related to the image contentwhile clearly conditioned by the image location.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (23)

6 R. Gomez et al.

Christchurch,New Zealand #newzealand#tramping#aotearoa#fiordland#milford



Havana,Cuba #ship#catamaran#ocean#caribbean#sailboat



Los Angeles,United States #water#lake#westlake#river#reflection

Rio Jaineiro,Brazil#river#amazonia#paraty#rio#rainforest

El Cairo,Egypt#egypt#river#water#nile#nature



San José,Costa Rica#road#highway#rural#centralamerica#carretera


San Francisco,UUEE#sanfrancisco#berkeley#unitedstates#street#oakland


Christchurch,New Zealand #newzealand#tramping#aotearoa#fiordland#milford



Havana,Cuba #ship#catamaran#ocean#caribbean#sailboat



Los Angeles,United States #water#lake#westlake#river#reflection

Rio Jaineiro,Brazil#river#amazonia#paraty#rio#rainforest

El Cairo,Egypt#egypt#river#water#nile#nature

Chicago,UUEE #road#highway#ohio#interstate#sign

San José,Costa Rica#road#highway#rural#centralamerica#carretera


Fig. 5. LocSens top 5 predicted hashtags for images with 3 different faked locations.

8 Location Relevance in Image Retrieval

The reason why the P@10 score difference between MCC and LocSens on loca-tion sensitive image retrieval (shown in Table 1) is small is because the locationinformation is not useful for many queries in our set because of their hashtags.There are several reasons for which a query hashtag can make the query locationconditioning useless:

– Hashtags carrying explicit location information. Query hashtags thatcarry explicit location information are numerous in our query set, given itcontains many travel pictures (i.e New York, Himalaya, Amazonas). See mostfrequent tags in the first section of this supplementary material.

– Hashtags carrying implicit location information. Query hashtags thatdo not refer to specific locations, but carry implicit information of it. Forinstance, the language of the hashtag can indicate its location. Also hashtagsreferring to local celebrations, local dishes, etc.

– Hashtags with a visual appearance invariant to locastion. Queryhashtags that have the same visual appearance worldwide (such as “cat” or“tomato”), for which location-specific image features cannot be learnt.

Therefore, the performance improvements of LocSens compared to MLC re-ported on Table 1 are small because location is irrelevant in many queries ofthis particular dataset, so LocSens is only able to outperform MLC in a smallpercentage of them. Besides, although MCC and LocSens P@10 might be close,are qualitatively different an they do no retrieve the same images: As an exam-ple, LocSens - Raw locations retrieves images that are always near to the querylocation, but gets worse results than MCC in continent and country granular-ities because their relation with the query tag is weaker. In this work we havefocused on learning from large scale Social Media data. Further experimentationunder more controlled scenarios where the location information is meaningful inall cases is another interesting research setup to evaluate the same tasks.

9 Implementation Details

9.1 MLC

The training of the MLC model was very unstable because of the class imbalance.We did try different class-balancing techniques without consistent improvements,

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (24)

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging 7

and concluded that it is not an adequate training setup for our problem. We alsotried different methods to evaluate both image tagging and retrieval using theMLC method, such as directly ranking the tags or the images with the scores,or learning embeddings with an intermediate 300-d layer as we do with MCC,but all experiments led to poor results.

9.2 LocSens

LocSens is trained with precomputed images and tag embeddings to reduce thecomputational load. Also, given LocSens has as inputs images but also tagsembeddings learned by MCC, an architecture jointly optimizable would not bestraight forward.

LocSens maps the image, tag, and location modalities to 300-d representa-tions and then concatenates them. We experimented merging 2-d locations withthe other modalities but couldn’t optimize LocSens properly. We tried differentstrategies such as initializing LocSens parameters to attend location values, butmapping the three modalities to the same dimensionality before their concate-nation yielded the best results. This is probably because it allows the model tobetter balance the different modalities.

To train LocSens with the location sampling technique we start always formσ = 1 and slowly decrease it to get models sensitive to different location granu-larities, evaluated in Table 1..

10 Future Work

The presented work can give rise to further research on how to exploit locationinformation in image retrieval and tagging tasks, and also on how to learn imagerepresentations with tags supervision from large scale weakly annotated data. Wespot three different experimentation lines to continue with this research work:

– Learning with tags supervision. Our research on learning image rep-resentations with hashtags supervision concludes that a Multi-Class setupwith Softmax activations and a Cross-Entropy loss outperforms the otherbaselines by a big margin. A research line to uncover the reason for thissuperior performance and to find under which conditions this method out-performs other standard learning setups, such as using a Multi-Label setupwith Sigmoid activations, would be very interesting for the community.

– More efficient architectures. The current efficiency of the method is adrawback, since for instance to find the top tags for an image and locationquery, we have to compute the score of the query with all the hashtags inthe vocabulary. An interesting research line is to find architectures for thesame task that are more efficient than LocSens. As an example, we havebeen researching on tagging models that learn a joint embedding space forhashtags and image+location pairs, which at inference time only need tocompute a distance between an image+location query embedding and pre-computed tags embeddings, being much more efficient. The drawback of such

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging· by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (25)

8 R. Gomez et al.

architectures is, however, that the same model cannot be used for tagging andretrieval as LocSens can: A retrieval model with this architecture would haveto learn a joint embedding space for hashtags+location pairs and images.

– Information modalities balance. In the paper we propose a location sam-pling strategy useful to balance the location influence in the image ranking.Experimentation on how this technique can be exploited in other multimodaltasks would be an interesting research line.

Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging · by-text retrieval is the task of searching for images related to a given textual query. Similarly to the tagging task, the query - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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