Evil Dead Rise - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (2025)

Evil Dead Rise - Filmkritik - Film - TV SPIELFILM (1)

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Originaltitel: Evil Dead RiseUS | 2023 | 96 Min. | FSK: 18





Bewertung der Redaktion:

  • Humor
  • Anspruch
  • Action
  • Spannung
  • Erotik


Harter Tobak: vielleicht der grausigste Film der Kultreihe

IMDb-Bewertung: 6,5 von 10

Humor à la „Armee der Finsternis“ war gestern: Im fünften Film der „Tanz der Teufel“-Reihe geht es schockierend ernst zur Sache.

Es beginnt mit einer der berüchtigten Amok-Kamerafahrten der Reihe, und auch die klassische Hütte im Wald kommt vor. Größtenteils spielt die vierte Fortsetzung von „Tanz der Teufel“ (1981) aber in einem halb verlassenen, maroden Hochhaus in Los Angeles. Tätowiererin Ellie und ihre drei Kids zählen zu den letzten Mietern. Eines Abends kreuzt Gitarrentechnikerin Beth auf, Ellies jüngere Schwester. Sie braucht Beistand, weil sie ungewollt schwanger ist.

Als plötzlich ein Erdbeben das Handynetz lahmlegt und eine Loch in den Boden der Tiefgarage reißt, stößt Ellies Teeniesohn Danny auf einen alten Tresorraum, in dem er Grammofonplatten und ein seltsames Buch findet. Er ahnt nicht, was er entfesselt, als er den Fund in die Wohnung der Familie schleppt und eine der Platten auf sein DJ-Pult legt…

Bereits im ersten „Tanz der Teufel“ und im Reboot „Evil Dead“ von 2013 ließen sich die Dämonenattacken als Metapher für psychische Krankheiten deuten, die Beziehungen zerstören. Hier geht es um eine als liebenswert gezeichnete Familie, entsprechend heftig schockt das Blut-Inferno, das Regisseur Lee Cronin mit Gespür für Überraschungen entfesselt. Viele Kultszenen der Reihe zitiert er mit einem eigenen, oft bösartigen Twist.

Cast und Crew von "Evil Dead Rise"


Lily Sullivan
Alyssa Sutherland
Mia Challis
Gabrielle Echols
Jayden Daniels
Tai Wano


Lee Cronin,

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Why was Evil Dead banned? ›

While the original was beloved by horror fans and became a huge box office hit, the Sam Raimi-directed flick did spark controversy due to its extreme levels of gore and graphic violence – leading it to be banned in several countries including Ireland.

Was Evil Dead Rise a success? ›

The success of Lee Cronin's Evil Dead Rise, which grossed $147 million against its $15-19 million budget, has now spawned not one, but two announced spin-off movies.

Is Danny in Evil Dead Rise a girl or boy? ›

Morgan Davies Is A Transgender Actor Who Played Danny In Evil Dead Rise. Morgan Davies is an up-and-coming transgender actor who is now most known for his role as Danny in Evil Dead Rise. The Australian actor came out as trans in 2020, with him being one of the higher-profile transgender men in Hollywood.

What is the point of Evil Dead Rise? ›

“Evil Dead Rise” follows a family trapped on the top floor of their apartment building as the discovery of a demonic book leads to the release of demons who are determined to possess and kill everyone inside in the most horrifying ways possible.

Why is The Evil Dead so good? ›

The special effects are nicely done even if at times obvious. Sam Raimi's camera work makes otherwise dull moments interesting to watch for the viewer. Raimi knows his way around a dollar and in The Evil Dead he gets everything he can out of every cent he spends.

What movie was banned in 46 countries? ›

Censorship. Due to its graphic content, Faces of Death was banned and censored in many countries. The movie is often billed as "Banned in 46 Countries", but this claim is doubtful.

Was The Evil Dead a flop? ›

That movie was “Evil Dead.” It ended up grossing millions, jumpstarting both his career and the careers of Bruce Campbell and his brothers. The sequel, “Evil Dead II,” would become a cult hit and a tremendous box office success.

What happened to Ellie's soul in Evil Dead Rise? ›

During this attack, Ellie became host to a Deadite spirit, which slowly began to take over her body. Following her ambush in the elevator, Ellie slowly shambled back to her apartment moments after the building lost power. Upon her return, Beth and the children immediately noticed the radical shift in Ellie's demeanor.

How did Ellie get possessed in Evil Dead Rise? ›

The film doesn't convolute much, depicting Ellie becoming possessed after a Necronomicon reading. Ellie then tries to kill her kids and neighbors in the Los Angeles apartment complex, eager to turn them into Deadites.

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Ray Santiago: Pablo Simon Bolivar.

Who survives the Evil Dead rise? ›

Despite Danny and Bridget's best efforts, it is only Ellie's daughter Kassie and her aunt Beth who manage to survive the Evil Dead Rise ending. In a visually spectacular callback to The Shining, Beth and Kassie escape their floor through an elevator flooded with blood.

What is the creature in Evil Dead Rise? ›

The final act of Evil Dead Rise gives birth to The Marauder, a brand new supervillain in the world of The Evil Dead. Essentially, The Marauder is an entire family unit blended together to form a monstrous and murderous beast, a big swing for the franchise that feels a bit more Resident Evil than it does Evil Dead.

What happens to the mom in Evil Dead Rise? ›

The building's power fails and Ellie is possessed by an unseen force. She returns to the apartment in a trance, menacingly threatens her family, and dies after pleading with Beth to protect her children.

Why did Jessica get possessed in Evil Dead Rise? ›

Cause of Possession

Jessica was the girlfriend of Caleb and the cousin of Teresa. After discovering her apartment's parking garage covered with blood and gore, Jessica was attacked by the Kandarian Demon, resulting in her slow transformation into a Deadite.

Who was the girl at the end of Evil Dead Rise? ›

How many Evil Dead movies are there? In the last scene of Evil Dead Rise, something lunges at Jessica (Anna-Maree Thomas) as she walks through the apartment building's parking lot. This suggests that there are still creatures lurking around and that there could be another movie in the horror franchise.

Why was The Evil Dead controversial? ›

Writer Bruce Kawin described The Evil Dead as one of the most notorious splatter films of its day, along with Cannibal Holocaust and I Spit on Your Grave. In the UK, the film was trimmed by 49 seconds before it was granted an X certificate for cinema release.

Why was Evil Dead cancelled? ›

During an interview with Collider, Bruce Campbell, one of the biggest stars in the franchise, explained why the show couldn't move forward, stating that it had to do with the fact that audiences weren't very familiar with the platform it was released on.

What is the most banned movie ever in the world? ›

Cannibal Ferox is recognized as the most banned movie ever by the Guinness Book of World Records, banned in 31 countries for its extreme violence and scenes of real animal cruelty.

What horror movie was banned for being too disturbing? ›

Maniac (1980)

Among the pantheon of banned horror films, “Maniac” stands out as one of the most disturbing. This 1980 slasher follows a psychopathic killer on a murderous rampage through New York, featuring graphic scenes of scalping that earned it infamy and several bans.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.