AN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - CCOAN - Thessalonica - Man of God Harry (2025)

Dozens of believers gathered in God’s temple once again to glorify the Creator of the universe with faith and sincerity, attracting His attention. Angels filled the Synagogue, Church of All Nations of Thessalonica, strongly exuding the presence of the Lord and creating a climate of aww and power! No one knew what was to come: experiences that cut deep into the heart of a child of God…

A wonderful message deserving of this day was preached by evangelist Irene Otamere, titled “AN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE”. She began by stating that, as Christians, we are called to love our neighbour as ourselves, to love and forgive those who have hurt us, and to give to those in need without a second thought. Listing these duties, which are incumbent to every child of God, she puzzled those present by posing the following question: How many of us are actually ready to express our love?

Explaining the title of the message, the evangelist stressed that the ultimate example of unconditional love is what Jesus Christ did for us on the Cross of Calvary, and, continuing, she read from Luke 23:34-38 to give a greater emphasis on the difficult time our Lord went through, 34Then Jesus said,‘Father,forgive them, forthey do not know what they do.’ Andthey divided His garments and cast lots.35Andthe people stood looking on. But even therulers with them sneered, saying, ‘He saved others; let Him save Himself if He is the Christ, the chosen of God.’ 36The soldiers also mocked Him, coming and offering Himsour wine,37and saying, ‘If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself.’ 38And an inscription also was written over Him in letters of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”

Further emphasising the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, she referred to Isaiah 53:5, were the Bible says that He was flogged, tortured, humiliated and dehumanised before He was brutally murdered! However, what made the Son of God Himself endure the humiliation and degradation, was His love for God’s work, and for the souls that would be saved through His sacrifice, as well as His belief in His resurrection!

Paying particular attention to love and its meaning, the evangelist highlighted that what makes us human is not our ability to think, but our ability to love! So, when we speak of love, we speak of giving, because we cannot say we love without showing it with our actions! Many times, in life, we have the opportunity to be a solution to someone’s problem, but we ignore it so as not to come out of our comfort zone! But, as the evangelist pointed out, looking the other way when your brother is in trouble is equal to rejecting Christ Himself… Then, she read from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, 13 and clarified that true love is what Jesus Christ showed to everyone! A love that aims to give and not to receive! This is the example that all of God’s children should follow!

Concluding her message, the evangelist advised anyone who seeks an answer to their requests to sow in the field of giving, and they will see their lives change and grow because Jesus Christ does not recognise us by our name, but by our love!


Those who attended the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, on Sunday, realised beyond any doubt, that everything that took place that day was utmost proof that God is not limited, He moves as He wills, and when this happens incredible changes occur! The following testimony is striking proof that God and His angels are not just mere Bible stories, but tangible reality!

Mr. Nikos Politis, a musician, and a member of the church’s worship team witnessed how God uses the gifts He has given us to express His will and bring blessings to His children! He began by saying that two months ago he had an unprecedented experience with God, through a dream…

Specifically, he dreamt that he was sitting opposite a child, aged about 7-8 years old, who was speaking words of divine wisdom! Trying to approach the child and get to know him better, he introduced himself to the child and mentioned that he liked music! Then, the child gave him his hand and the moment Mr. Politis touched it, he noticed that his arm was connected to the hand of someone standing behind the child, moving it. This figure was wearing a white garment, had long hair, and looked like Jesus Christ! At that moment, something like a screen appeared above the child’s head, in which there was an angel, wearing a royal military uniform with a garment whose entire surface was covered with beautiful silver designs. Mr. Politis, was receiving explanations and information within himself as to what he was looking at, and knew that the angel was not just any angel, but an archangel! His hair was deep black, with shiny curls, that reached down to his hips! According to Mr. Politis’ vivid description, his hair was so beautiful, so perfect, that not a single hair was out of place!

Then, the archangel looked up to Heaven and began to praise God with the words, “You are the Almighty God!”. As he repeated this phrase, orchestral music started to accompany his voice, and armies of countless angels began to gather beneath him! Mr. Politis was listening carefully, knowing that, as the hymn kept on and grew louder, it signified the call of God’s angels to come together for the beginning of a battle! At the same time, he was receiving information about the music: the melodies, the rhythm, each instrument, and sound effect he was listening to, and he understood within himself that he had to memorise it so that he could do his best to record and excecute this heavenly music, here on earth! This revelation had not been given to him by chance at all!

Filled with awe and emotion from the experience of this dream, as soon as he woke up, he began to write the music for this worship song, as he strongly felt responsible for this mission – it had to be done! As a musician who has composed a lot of songs, he pointed out that it was the first time he had completed a musical project so quickly and with no effort at all, since everything was already prepared by God! He knew that the lyrics of this hymn had a lot of meaning, and each word had a very different kind of power compared to the other songs he had written in the past! This was because this hymn was literally an order sent from Heaven!

When Mr. Politis completed the worship song, and it was performed for the first time at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, by the worship team and himself, God’s presence was incredible and especially intense! It was so intense, that two believers saw angels in the room! In fact, as the video of what happened on the day this angelic hymn was performed was playing on the screen, the testimony could no longer continue. Angels flooded the room and began to deliver and heal the believers while the hymn was played over the speakers! The room was overwhelmed with the awe of God’s presence and His power… Everyone, regardless their age, realised that God and His angels were in the room, and few were able to hold back tears of emotion.

At the same time, the man of God Harry, led by the Spirit of God, interrupted the testimony and led the people directly to mass prayer. The mass prayer took place under the sound of heavenly worship that filled the place, as Mr. Politis, along with the rest of the worship team, continued to sing the hymn live! Incredible things took place! The eyes of many people were opened, and they were awestruck to see heavenly beings moving among them. Heaven was united with earth!

One of those who saw visions last Sunday was Mr. Tryphon Tzouvaras from Naoussa, Greece. While he was praying during the hymn, he opened his eyes and saw a blond angel in the corner of the room, flapping his wings with power! The more the angel flapped his wings in the spiritual realm, the more an unclean spirit manifested itself through a woman in the physical world, with violent screams, right across the angel!

On the same Sunday, Mrs. Adriana Sakka, while singing the hymn with her eyes closed, saw above the worship team the clouds of Heaven and 25-30 angels, with white garments and large open wings, parading, singing this hymn with drums and music! At some point, from the fourth row and backwards, as they were lined up as if in a parade, the angels began to walk to the right, stepping out of their line and going to where the pianists of the earthly worship team were. Then, each angel came down and stood still next to each member of the worship team! When the hymn ended, Mrs. Sakka opened her eyes, but she only saw a glow that she could not bear, realising that unfortunately, she was back on earth, since up until that moment she had been experiencing Heaven with the angels!

After the end of the mass prayer, more and more people wanted to testify about their overwhelming experience, thus giving all the glory to God Almighty!

Ms. Jennifer Sanon came from America, not by chance, but having an appointment with God, scheduled by Him! As the worship team sang the hymn, waves of electricity went through her whole body and immobilized her, giving her a vision! As the music increased in volume, what looked like circles appeared on the ceiling, opening up and getting bigger and bigger! Then, she saw a figure pass through the circles. At the same time, the man of God Harry began to proclaim repeatedly, “You are Holy!” and the figure began to become clearer and clearer, but also brighter that she could not longer look at. This figure was accompanied by other figures, and she held out her hand as if to give her something to take and eat. At that moment, Ms. Sanon knew she had to kneel! She felt totally unworthy, and all she could do was repeat the words the man of God was saying: “Holy! You are God Almighty!” Then, this presence clothed her in a white garment, reminded her that she too belonged to the army of God, and, giving her a sword, said: “The name of Jesus Christ has been given to you!” It was as if a weapon was given to her to use…

Mrs. Eleftheria Naidou from Naoussa, Greece, not yet feeling like herself, shared her own experience. From the moment Mr. Politis’ testimony began, she felt a shiver throughout her body, which intensified as soon as he started singing His angelic hymn. Then, she began to shake uncontrollably! When the man of God Harry entered the room, she saw His face glowing, and during the mass prayer, she saw a huge, very tall, and white presence right in the middle of the room. He had his arms open, and he was looking down at the people of God!

Mr. Cedrick Keti from France also had three experiences that he wanted to share with the people of God. The first occurred as Mr. Politis began his testimony. He saw an angel in silver and all around him was an army! In the second vision, he saw a lot of angels standing in the four corners of the room, and the Holy Spirit began to tell him the interpretation of Mr. Politis’ dream. At first, God wanted to express how much He loves His people. As for the angels who were in the room, they were sent from Heaven for His ministry. Also, the word “Almighty” has to do with deliverance, as God being Almighty delivers people when His anointed hymn is heard! The third piece of information given to him was about Himself. God confirmed to him that all his problems have been solved and that his prayers have been answered!

Finally, Mrs. Pelagia Dimitropoulou, not having fully recovered from her experience and testifying that it was something new for her, said that as the hymn began, she felt something like electricity in her hands, and she could not stop crying. Closing her eyes, she felt throughout her body an evil spirit shaking and finally taking control, shouting out: “Light, light everywhere!” and “Fire!”. Then, a white and bright light, like nothing she had seen before, entered her to burn everything that was not of God! Mrs. Dimitropoulou began to feel the fire in her hands! When she opened her eyes, she saw an angel, at least 3 meters tall, bright white, with wings, walking around the church, and this evil that was inside her raised its hands as if it was asking God for mercy not to burn it. That’s when she saw the face of an angel above her smiling at her, and she knew that all would be well. When she was finally able to open her eyes and get up, the Spirit of God said to her, “You are my child. You are my soldier. From now on, whatever I tell you, you will do. You will go forward and share whatever happened right now!”. So she did, to the glory of God!

Mr. Politis’ advice to everyone was just to be available. Not only with our mouths but also with our hearts, in every sense of the word!

God is in all ages gathering into Himself a generation of spiritual worshippers, so through one hymn, dozens of people received the much-desired deliverance and healing they had been longing for many years. Who can explain the ways of God? Let the name of the One who never ceases to shine like a light in the darkness of this world be glorified!


Ms. Eunice Dony came from Switzerland with her daughters, Gina and Dana, to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, in order to testify the liberating power of Jesus Christ who acted in their lives and turned their sorrow into joy!

First she revealed that she had visited the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to be delivered from an addiction to smoking two months ago, which she had for 24 long years, as well as from some health problems she was facing.

Some time ago, as she mentioned, she suddenly began to feel pain in her abdomen for no particular reason. Soon after that, her menstruation abruptly ceased. She therefore decided to consult a doctor to understand what exactly had happened. The doctor gave her some medication, and her menstruation came back. But without taking the medicine, she could not menstruate normally, so she stopped taking them, as they did not provide a permanent solution…

Mrs. Dony’s eldest daughter, Dana, shared with the people of God the problems satan caused in her life from an early age to paralyse her and make her live a life without vision and without dreams. One of the reasons she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, was her poor performance in school. Her teachers treated her very badly and they would tell her, “You have nothing in your brain!”. The combination of her poor performance and the fact that she was a person of colour made the other children at school make fun of her. Whenever she turned to her teachers for help, instead of supporting her and providing a solution to her problem, they accused her! Gradually, the zeal and thirst for the future she dreamed of as a young girl began to fade! Her goal of becoming a dentist began to vanish as her teachers constantly reminded her that, due to her performance, she would not be able to do anything worthwhile in life.

At the same time, her younger sister, Gina, was having similar issues at school! She started by saying that she was also experiencing a problem with her abdomen like her mother, and stressed that what she was experiencing at school was making the situation crucially worse! Many times, in fact, when she returned from school she would cry because she could not bear her situation any longer. The colour of her skin became an object of ridicule and even beating! When she decided to turn to some of her teachers to find a solution and help, they would tell her that she was at fault for everything that was happening to her, reminding her that she was a failure and that she would never achieve anything in her life!

Her mother, trying to protect her children from what they were confronted with, decided to move them to another area, thus changing schools, believing that the bullying they were facing would stop. However, even at the new school, they were still experiencing same problems!

After receiving prayer from the man of God Harry, the changes they saw in their lives were unbelievable. Ms. Dony explained that her children were very stubborn in the past, but now everything has changed! Even her desire to smoke after 24 long years of addiction is now a thing of the past! The pain she had, as well as her problems with her menstruation have stopped, and now, her menstrual cycle is normal.

Miss Dana revealed that she now feels motivated at school, and even her teachers ask her what this big change in her behaviour is due to. She knows that this huge change is thanks to the transforming power of our Lord and Saviour, in the name of Jesus Christ!

Miss Gina, evidently amazed at what God has done in her life, said that she has no pain in her abdomen, the teachers at her school now treat her perfectly, and even a person who used to make fun of her every day apologised to her! Sadness and sorrow are now things of the past, to the glory of the Lord!

Joyful and eternally grateful for God’s hand in their lives, they advised all those who heard their testimony to follow God, for He is the Alpha and Omega. Even if they have a problem, their piece of advice is to draw near to Jesus Christ, for He is the Only One who can show them the right path. Finally, they stressed how important it is to find a living church, as well as a genuine man of God, in order to receive everlasting freedom. Concluding, they promised to follow and serve God forever!

No matter what your situation is, remember that Jesus Christ paid the price for you on the Cross of Calvary. Hence, take heart and allow the transforming power of Jesus Christ to change you!


Only a week after her first time at the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, Ms. Mariella Lomb from Curacao returned to the church to share the greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ with His people!

Starting her testimony, she mentioned the prophecy she received from the man of God Harry on Sunday, during the prayer line, “The spirit of death is chasing you! Dead people always come to you. So, Jesus Christ wants to set you free from that! If you are not free, they will just manage to kill you. What you think about yourself is what will eventually happen to you. That is why satan always gives you that kind of attack. So all this that you are complaining about have one target, one purpose. They want to kill you! But you will live for the glory of God! You will not die!”. Ms. Lomb confirmed the prophecy she received, this time before the congregation, recounting that, indeed, when her grandmother passed away about two years ago, she saw her in a dream and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Generally, in her dreams, she often saw various dead people, as well as people feeding her! In fact, when she was at her workplace, she could smell a strange cemetery odour… In order to further emphasise the influence of this demonic spirit in her life, she explained that some of her colleagues attempted to poison her with the intention of killing her. While all of this was going on, Ms. Lomb, oddly enough, began to lose her teeth! When she visited the dentist, she learned that she would have to have her teeth removed because they were badly damaged!

Ms. Lomb explained that all these strange experiences began 30 years ago, when her mother was facing mental health problems, and Ms. Lomb sought help from a woman who did witchcraft. So, this woman gave her some instructions. In particular, she told her to take a mirror, smile at it, then cover it with a piece of cotton, and finally, throw it in the graveyard! Ms. Lomb, desperate as she was to find a solution, followed her instructions, and an unprecedented disaster ensued…

A few years later, when she gave her heart to God, she met a woman in the church she was attending who was oppressing and negatively influencing her. At that time, Ms. Lomb began to feel empty inside, as if her spirit was dead and, at the same time, she could not pray or worship God. She ended up being easily irritable and succumbed quickly to anger since she had no peace in her heart.

In this difficult mental condition, Ms. Lomb decided to run to God for a solution! When she joined the prayer line, she did not expect that the man of God would prophesy to her about the spirit of death, because she was seeking breakthrough in her life. She noted, however, that at the time of prayer she felt peace enter her heart! Since then, she feels like a new person, full of peace and love she never had before, and she no longer feels angry as she used to! Moreover, she never saw dead people or people feeding her in her dreams again and the night after the prayer, she felt the presence of angels protecting her!

With a heart full of joy for God’s intervention in her life, she advised those who were present to be careful with the people they associate with and to trust only in the Lord! Finally, she promised God that she would live for Him to fulfil His plan for her life!

A million “Thanks!” will never be enough to express the gratitude a man who has been set free by God Almighty feels in his heart! Truly, God delivers His faithful servants from their troubles, clothes them with honour, and He is never far from those who worship Him in faith and truth!


The life of Mrs. Angelique Manirakiza from the Netherlands was so deep into the darkness that there was seemingly no hope of it changing for the better. So she decided to visit the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, knowing that, in the presence of God, freedom, and healing are like breathing!

As she was privileged to receive prayer from the man of God Harry during the prayer line, an unclean spirit manifested through Mrs. Manirakiza and confessed, “I am the father, I have destroyed her. I have made her useless! I don’t want her to serve God. She loves God so much! She destroyed everything we wanted to do! Why? She has no money, she’s always in debt, always! She cries day and night for her family! She borrowed money to come! She has nothing, she has no money! I stole her money! She destroys with prayer everything I want to do!” After that, the man of God commanded the demon to come out of her body, and declared her free, for the glory of the name of Jesus Christ!

Later, she wanted to share various aspects of her life and confessed the miraculous intervention of God that she experienced throughout the service.

At first, she said that when the worship singers sang the heavenly song the lyrics of which were written by angels of God, she experienced an unprecedented experience. At the moment she was praising God, she felt something coming out of her womb. When she went to the bathroom to check herself, she was surprised to notice that her body had begun to expel the multiple fibroids she was suffering from! The joy she felt was indescribable because she was scheduled for surgery in the next few days! This operation is so serious that if she underwent it, she would not be able to give birth again.

Explaining and confirming the words of the evil spirit, she revealed that her father had a small altar in the back of the house. There, every morning he performed various rituals, however, she did not know many details about it. Talking about her financial state she always found herself in unpleasant situations. As a widow, she received a government allowance, but this money was not enough for her and her daughter to live with dignity. As a result, her debts were increasing every month, and she could not understand how the money was leaving her hands. Even to visit the church, she had to borrow money. On the day she was to fly to Greece, her flight was delayed for several hours. While waiting at the airport, she could not buy food neither for her daughter nor for herself!

She also stated that people in her family also faced various crises in their marriages. Some of them got divorced, some were widowed, and some had to reside in different countries in order to, find a better job, while others were living on the brink of poverty. In fact, Mrs. Manirakiza was never able to reach a higher level of education because of this unclean spirit.

Sometimes she wondered if it was her fault that she was going through all of this, and she felt guilty that she could not provide a more comfortable life for her daughter. Because of the difficult circumstances in which she and her family were living, she started having suicidal thoughts, thinking that God, to whom she prayed day and night, had abandoned them.

However, whether we are going through a period of joy or a period of sorrow, the Lord still remains Faithful and Almighty to those who are faithful to Him. Through the prayer from the man of God Harry, God has crushed every demonic influence in Mrs. Manirakiza’s life! Now, she feels relief, full of joy, and believes that she and her family have been set free! Finally, she has promised the Lord that she will serve Him for the rest of her life!

Never think that God has abandoned you! In the book of Joshua 1:5, the Lord has promised us that He will be with us all the days of our lives! Blessed be His name who forgives our infringements and gives us a new life!


Mrs. Stanka Uzunova from Bulgaria came to the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, to experience the Omnipotence of God! As she participated in the prayer line, the man of God Harry gave her the following prophetic message, “I see a woman reading a cup of coffee, and this woman, reading the coffee cup, has affected you. From the moment she told you that all is well, you have many problems! One problem comes after the other. Always setback, disappointment all the time… It is a spiritual issue. As I tell you this, today this problem is exposed and finished!”.

For Mrs. Uzunova it all started at the age of 20, when she and her friend visited a woman who “read” the coffee cup! Little did she know that her visit to that place would mark the beginning of her downfall, since, as she pointed out, they did not think it was something serious. However, after her visit, many areas of her life were greatly affected!

Her relationship with her husband was going well the first year, until her husband displayed a violent behaviour towards her, both verbally and physically… Mrs. Uzunova gave him several opportunities, hoping and expecting that he would change, but, unfortunately, she did not notice any change in his behaviour. They lived in the house together but slept in different rooms due to the multiple problems they faced as a couple. The fact that her husband was also not helping with the house bills and family expenses was also causing her a lot of distress. They did not even have money for their daughter’s basic education! As a result, Mrs. Uzunova was forced to borrow money from her friends in order to make ends meet… So, after 15 years of marriage, Mrs. Uzunova decided to put an end to this toxic relationship!

The demonic influences she was experiencing even affected her family members, as her sister became ill and developed psychological problems – suddenly, she started talking and laughing on her own! In fact, Mrs. Uzunova’s mother suffered from cancer and died. In order to cope with all these events that were happening in her life, she resulted to visiting a psychiatrist, as she did not want people around her! She wanted to go to a convent to heal the wounds of her soul and find herself again! Intensely burdened by the situation, depression soon knocked on her door and led her to stay in bed for a full ten months! The period she was going through was so difficult that she could not even take care of her child because of the problems she was facing. More specifically, she could not even do the basics, such as cooking some food for her child. This was enough to make her cry day and night about the situation she was in, but she did not know why she was going through such difficulties.

Her physical health was not unaffected either, as she often suffered from sinusitis and vertigo. In addition, because of an accident she had had 20 years ago, which had kept her in hospital for a month, her hands began to become numb and sore. She had to go to the hospital, where she underwent surgery.

However, when God revealed the root cause of the stagnation, setback, disappointment and depression in her life, she received the freedom she was seeking. Years of tears, immediately after a touch of a few seconds, turned to joy! Indeed, nothing is impossible for God!

Concluding her description of her tumultuous life, full of joy and gratitude to her Savior, she mentioned that she has peace within now, and promised Almighty God that she will trust Him, and that she will give her life to Him!

We should remember that for us as God’s children, ignorance is no excuse, for God through His Word teaches us how to stay away from sin and its consequences. God’s Word is the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit to increase us and provide us with everything we need to succeed in life.


In Matthew 18:20, the Bible states, For where two or three are gatheredtogether in My name, I am there in the midst of them.. This is a promise that God verifies every Sunday in the Synagogue, Church Of All Nations Thessalonica, thus drawing people from all parts of the world! This is exactly what happened with Mrs. Carol Mulilo from Denmark who came to experience the power of the Lord!

During the prayer line, when the man of God Harry touched her head, she felt as if someone was hitting her with a hammer! She had ceased to be herself, and every effort to resist and move away from the man of God was fruitless. Under the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, an unclean spirit manifested from within her and said: “She is mine! She has to take over! Her grandmother gave her to us. We made her do prostitution and fornication. She is useless. Nothing good can come out of her!” But having no choice, the persistent spirit yielded to the power of the name of Jesus Christ, and the man of God declared Mrs. Mulilo free!

With obvious relief and joy on her face, she wanted to confirm all that the demon had said. First, she expressed a wonderful experience she had before the prayer line! At the hearing of the inspired hymn, the spirit that had been tormenting her had already begun to manifest, and she lost control of herself! In fact, in the few words she could find to describe the experience, she said it felt like a parade of angels!

She went on to recount the words the demon said, noting that she grew up in a Christian family, her maternal grandmother was involved in witchcraft in order to “help” people who were facing various problems. For example, if someone wanted to get married or had difficulty having a child, she would give them special ‘medicines’. In her teenage years, she even visited her friend’s grandmother who lived in the same town and followed the same practices as her own grandmother. At the age of 23 she once again visited a witchdoctor. In fact, she was pleased with all of these visits! She had no knowledge as to whether her grandmother dedicated her to the unclean spirit that manifested, but what worried her was the fact that in her sleep she saw that she was having sexual intercourse with many men. In fact, she had this dream on certain days, either at the end or at the beginning of each month… The next day she would wake up full of anger, which troubled her.

She then mentioned that from her teenage years she had a weakness towards the opposite sex and so, from a young age, she started having sexual relations with them! Sometimes she had a relationship at the same time with two men who did not know each other – because it made her feel beautiful and attractive! She considered it perfectly normal to always be in a relationship, and when she was not, other people around her made sure to meet her with someone. When they tried to tell her that she was going down the wrong path, she thought they were jealous of her lifestyle, since she recognised that she was beautiful and that this was how the whole world lived their lives.

Although prostitution was not a profession for her, she never had a relationship with a man who did not have money. She wanted to be beautiful and she wanted every man she had next to her to give her money, buy her gifts, take her out to dinner and give her money so he could meet all her needs! Many men passed through her life for short or long periods of time. However, it never crossed her mind that all that she did was because of the influence of an unclean spirit because her family did not believe in the existence of demons. She believed that it was all her own desire, and the only time she felt guilty was when her parallel relationships became known, and her partners found out that she was lying to them!

Adding to the above, Mrs. Mulilo said that HIV in her life is a result of her early life. She slept with many men and, as a result, it was very difficult for her to know who was healthy and who was not. So she had to take medication for the rest of her life, which of course had a very negative effect on her emotional state. But God, her Deliverer, who always gives everyone a second chance in life, called her and set her on the right path, showing her what His will was for her.

In addition to her health, her finances were also affected. She always had a passion to own her own business, but never succeeded, even though she tried many times. In one particular business, in fact, she invested over and over again, but never received the corresponding profit.

Looking at her past, she realised that what she did was very bad and she would not recommend this way of life to her children or anyone else, as she is now a family woman in a happy marriage. Instead, she would do everything she could to prevent them! After prayer and all that she has experienced, she believes that the end of her troubles has come!

The promise she made to the Giver of her blessings is to rely solely on Him in every area of her life!

God’s grace does not look at a person’s past because Jesus Christ does not look at our past to determine our future. No one is too good or too bad to be unworthy of God’s grace in their life!

In the pictures below we see people overflowing with God’s presence and receiving answers to years of requests as the Spirit of the Living God works, revealing His glory!

AN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE - CCOAN - Thessalonica - Man of God Harry (2025)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.