200+ Medial L Words Speech Therapy - Speech Therapy Store (2024)

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Are you a speech therapist or parent working on medial l speech sounds? Then this blog is just what you need!It has over 200 medial l words for speech therapy.

Medial L Words Speech Therapy

Speech-language pathologists are always in need of a great list of medial l words for at school or at home practice.

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Target L Words

Here’s a list of medial l articulation sounds for you to use in therapy or at home practice to work on your student or child’s new skill.

  • For Example: silly, pilot, jello, dollar, police, July, jelly, salad, walrus, island, ruler, alarm, olive, toilet, hello, gallon, belly, elbow, tulip, color

See the full list of words, phrases, and sentences below.

Be sure to grab your freebie of medial l sounds below. Simply scroll to the bottom of this post and grab your free copy!

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Word Positions: Medial L Words Speech Therapy

Initial Position of Words

The initial l sound is at the beginning of a word. For example, “like” or “late”.

Medial Position of Words

Then there are some words that have the l sound in the medial position of words, such as “envelope”, “caterpillar”, and “violin”.

Final Positions of Words

The final positions of words are when the target sound is at the end of a word. For example, “ball” or “snail”.

Target Production

When working on the medial l sound the tip of your tongue is placed behind your front teeth.

Your child or student should aim for the small bump or ridge behind their teeth.

Next, instruct your child or student to relax their tongue and let the air pass on either side of their tongue while making their sound “loud” in order to turn on their voice.

They will be able to tell that their voice is turned on by touching their voice box on their neck and feeling it vibrate.

Play with Dough Tongue Placement Sheets created by Peachie Speechie – If you’re looking for a great place that has a way to give your child or student a visual cue about how to make the medial l sound. Then be sure to grab some playdough and print out this visual cue page!

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Medial L Words Speech Therapy at Word Level

If you’re looking for some high-frequency medial l words see the list below.

You can use the list below by having your child or student as the words using their best medial l sound.

In addition, I’ve compiled an easy-to-download medial l words list below to help you get started if you prefer a paper or digitally interactive copy.

Simply scroll down to the bottom of this post and download your free copy.

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  • 2 Syllable: silly, pilot, jello, dollar, police, July, jelly, salad, walrus, island, ruler, alarm, olive, toilet, hello, gallon, belly, holly, tulip, color, alley, solar, Ali, colon, boulder, realize, bulldog, sailing, moonlight, challenge, dolly, sibling, fully, tally, Salem, bully, Haley, value, villain, failure, belly, smelly, allow, below, bullied, solid, balloon, college, Helen, allow, melon, feeling, jealous, Allen, village, Riley, jolly, shallow, ceiling, smiling, shallow, jello, rally, foolish, Islam, polar, cello, filling, Billy, balling, cooling, skillet, salon, trolley, lolly, molar, talon, relay, Polly, delay, smaller, relax, million, billion, stellar, lilac, wailing, willing, collage, dealing, railing, valor, zealous, gally, Iceland, college, limelight
  • 3 Syllable: ambulance, reality, quality, medallion, gallery, repellent, brilliant, monologue, excelling, violent, dialect, rebellion, geology, fallacy, polio, bellini, excellent, trilogy, satellite, Hillary, agility, challenge, zoology, intellect, isolate, analyst, realism, scholarly, Himalayas, lullaby, unwilling, embellish, recalling, qualify, expelling, violate, wallaby, syllable, parallel, jubilance, qualify, idolize, unalike,
  • 4 Syllable: ecology, artillery, Australia, irregular, Elizabeth, bullying, alligator, technology, celebration, Carolina, maleficent, watermelon, realization, salmonella, alien, Amelia, angelica, television, intelligence, relationship, loneliness, cinderella, caterpillar, ability, sporadically, constellation, equality, celebrity, intelligent, Italian, revolution, insulation, malnutrition, absolution, aluminum, resolution, elevator, Filipino, adrenaline, mozzarella, military, accelerate, biology, delivery, apology, spectacular, revelation, tilapia, agility
  • 5 Syllable: quadrilateral, circulatory, resilient, chronological, radiologist, antipollution, auxiliary, singularity, liabilities
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Practice in Flash Card Mode Right Here from Your Computer!

Medial L Words Speech Therapy

2 Syllable3 Syllable
4 Syllable5 Syllable

SEE ALSO: 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy

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Short Phrases

When working on the medial l sound production, in addition to working at the word level it’s also important to work on short phrases once your child or student has mastered the sound at the word level at or near 80% or higher accuracy.

Here is a list of medial l word phrases to try:

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Medial L Words Speech Therapy in Phrases

2 Syllable3 Syllable
silly faceambulance raced
woman pilotreality show
yellow jelloquality jacket
one dollarsilver medallion
police on guardgallery of art
month of Julybug repellent
jelly sandwichbrilliant minds
best saladself authored monologue
large walrusexcelling in her career
small islandviolent storm
long rulerBoston dialect
fire alarmrebellion won
black olivegeology class
toilet seatnotion is a fallacy
hello therepolio pandemic
one gallonpeach bellini
pregnant bellyexcellent grades
elbowtrilogy ended
pink tulipsatellite orbited
paint colorHillary gave
dark alleystudied zoology
solar paneldolphin intellect
Ali kickedisolate myself
colon checkanalyst discovered
big bouldersense of realism
didn’t realizescholarly students
sweet bulldogsnow covered Himalayas
sailing aroundbaby lullaby
moonlight lit upunwilling to move forward
course was a challengeembellish the story
favorite dollyrecalling that night
older siblingqualify for the reward
fully awareexpelling a long breathe
tally the answersviolate the terms
city of Salemwallaby clung
the bully steppedthree syllable
Haley jumpedparallel park
good valuedance with jubilance
villain lostqualify for the reward
big failureidolize the actor
pregnant bellyflowers are unalike
smelly feetgreen alien
will not allow
below freezing
be bullied
solid brick
birthday balloon
apply for college
Helen walked
will allow
juicy melon
feeling happy
feel jealous
Allen built
village gathered
Riley has
jolly Santa
shallow water
ceiling fan
smiling at
chew and swallow
red jello
rally together
foolish choice
religion of Islam
polar bear
cello played
cake filling
billy ran
Balling the cookie dough
AC is cooling
dirty skillet
hair salon
trolley arrived
lolly pop
molar hurts
talon of a hawk
relay the message
Polly the parrot
flight delay
smaller shoes
relax right here
million stars
billion dollars
stellar cast
lilac bloomed
wailing baby
willing to help
letter collage
dealing out cards
hold the railing
valor and strength
very zealous
gally food
vacation to Iceland
step out of the limelight
4 Syllable5 Syllable
study ecologyquadrilateral shape
count the artillerycirculatory object
fly to Australiaresilient child
irregular soundschronological order
Elizabeth wavedradiologist arrived
alligator movedanti pollution movement
technology is amazingauxiliary staff
celebration was wonderfulsingularity at the center
North Carolinamany liabilities
maleficent dictator
huge watermelon
her realization
salmonella poisoning
Amelia yelled
Angelica danced
television screen
level of intelligence
relationship was over
felt loneliness
Cinderella swept
have the ability
constellation of stars
equality for all
celebrity appearance
intelligent boy
Italian food
revolution is starting
insulation in the garage
puppy had malnutrition
absolution from his debt
aluminum paper
no resolution
elevator music
Filipino food
adrenaline rush
mozzarella cheese
military advanced
car accelerates
biology class
delivery man
Sincere apology
spectacular view
ordered tilapia
have agility

Sentence Level: Medial L Words Speech Therapy

After working at the word and phrase levels next it’s time to start working on the medial l sound at the sentence level.

One way to work on the medial l sound at the sentence level would be to give your child or student a list of sentences to read aloud while they work on their medial l sound.

Another fun idea would be to give your child or student pictures with their medial l sound in them and have them create a sentence about those pictures.

Below is a list of sentences to use with your child or students.

Medial L Words Speech Therapy in Sentences

2 Syllable3 Syllable
She made a silly face.The ambulance raced down the road.
She is a woman pilot.That reality show is my favorite.
Yellow jello is my favorite flavor.I want to buy a quality jacket.
They found a one dollar bill.He won a silver medallion.
The police are on guard.The gallery of art is amazing.
The month of July is my favorite.Put on some bug repellent.
He made a jelly sandwich.My students have brilliant minds.
This is the best salad.She self authored and presented her monologue.
Look at the large walrus.She is excelling in her career.
That is a small island.The violent storm ended.
I need a long ruler.A Boston dialect is easy to hear.
The fire alarm went off.The rebellion won the war.
He doesn’t like black olives.I love my geology class.
Time to clean the toilet seat.That notion is a fallacy and will not hold in court.
He said, “hello there”.The polio pandemic was terrible.
We need to buy a gallon of milk.I ordered a peach bellini.
She has a pregnant belly.She has excellent grades.
They have a beautiful freckled elbow.He is sad that the trilogy ended.
She picked a pink tulip.The satellite orbited earth.
He couldn’t decide on a paint color.Hillary gave me a flower.
He hurried past the dark alley.He studied zoology in school.
They added a solar panel.Dolphins have a high level of intellect.
Ali kicked the ball.I do not like to isolate myself.
He got his colon checked.The analyst discovered a new species.
That is a big boulder.The painting has a sense of realism.
She didn’t realize she was late.The scholarly students began their presentation.
Look at the sweet bulldog.The snow covered the top of the Himalayas.
They went sailing around the sea.I sang my baby a lullaby.
The moonlight lit up the night sky.The cow is unwilling to move forward.
The course was a challengeHe embellished the story.
She took a photo of her favorite dolly.I am recalling that night.
She is a helpful older sibling.She will qualify for the reward.
I am fully aware of the news.He is expelling a long breath.
Please tally the correct answers.You did violate the terms on the contract.
The capital is in the city of Salem.The wallaby clung to his mother.
The bully stepped forward.That word has three syllables.
Haley jumped on the trampolineI can not parallel park.
That price is a good value.The toddler danced with jubilance.
The villain lost in the movie.She idolized her favorite actor.
The new recipe was a big failure.The flowers are unalike in color.
She rubbed her pregnant belly.I drew a green alien.
They have smelly feet.
They will not allow me to play.
It was below freezing outside.
She stood up for her friend so she would not be bullied.
The wall was made out of solid brick.
She loved her new birthday balloon.
He was off to apply for college.
Helen walked on the beach.
They will not allow me to play.
That looks like a juicy melon.
They are feeling happy today.
Sometimes I feel jealous.
Allen built a sand castle.
The village gathered together for the concert.
Riley has a new pet.
Santa is a jolly guy.
They walked in the shallow water.
Be sure to turn on the ceiling fan.
She is smiling at her friend.
chew and swallow
Please buy some red jello.
The team will rally together.
It was a foolish choice.
I am learning about the religion of Islam.
The polar bear swam in the ocean.
The cello played beautifully.
The cake filling was strawberry flavored.
Billy ran to his mom.
I began balling the cookie dough.
The AC is cooling the house down.
I need to wash the dirty skillet.
I made an appointment at a hair salon.
The trolley arrived on time.
l gave him a lolly pop.
The baby’s molar hurts.
The hawk talon is sharp.
Please relay the message to your boss.
Polly the parrot is green.
My flight might have a delay.
I need smaller shoes.
It’s time to relax right here.
I looked up and saw what seemed like a million stars.
He made a billion dollars before he was 30.
That new movie has a stellar cast.
The lilac bloomed in my garden.
She gave the wailing baby his pacifier.
I am willing to help.
I have clippings for my letter collage.
He is dealing out cards for the game.
I hold the railing when I walk downstairs.
Roman soldiers had valor and strength.
She is very zealous.
The gally in the ship has food.
We took a trip to Iceland
He stepped out of the limelight.
4 Syllable 5 Syllable
She went to school to study ecology.That is a quadrilateral shape.
Please count the artillery.I need a circulatory object to trace.
I fly to Australia tomorrow.She was a small but resilient child.
His stomach made some irregular sounds.Please place these in chronological order.
Elizabeth waved to her friend.The radiologist arrived late for the appointment.
The alligator moved slowly.The antipollution movement helps the earth.
The growth in technology is amazing.The auxiliary staff communicated with the ship.
The celebration you hosted was wonderful.There is a singularity at the center of the black hole.
I am driving through North Carolina.There were too many liabilities to open that store.
The maleficent dictator ordered his army around.
I found a huge watermelon at the store.
Her realization was helpful.
I have salmonella poisoning from that hamburger.
Amelia yelled at her sister.
Angelica danced in the recital.
That is a big television screen.
Dolphins have a level of intelligence.
Their relationship is new.
The puppy felt loneliness in his cage.
Cinderella swept the crumbs aside.
The caterpillar inched toward the leaf.
I have the ability.
The constellation of stars was beautiful.
He went to the march for equality for all.
The celebrity appearance was a surprise.
He is an intelligent boy.
I ordered Italian food at the restaurant.
A revolution is starting.
He added insulation in the garage.
The small puppy had malnutrition and fleas.
He had absolution from his debt.
I put aluminum paper on the tray.
There was no resolution after a day in court.
The elevator music played softly.
My neighbor brought me Filipino food.
He is always looking for an adrenaline rush.
I sprinkled mozzarella cheese on the pizza.
The military advanced forward.
The car accelerates quickly.
I am late for my biology class.
The delivery man rang the doorbell.
She offered a sincere apology.
There was a spectacular view from the pier.
I ordered tilapia at the restaurant.
Cheetahs have speed and agility.
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Medial L Words Speech Therapy Ideas

Challenge Games

If you’re in need of some fun challenge games be sure to check out the list below.

  1. Quia Games: MEDIAL /L/ GAMES by Tracy Boyd – Play a memory game or complete a word search with words that have /l/ somewhere in the middle.
  2. “L” medial position activities: Flashcards, matching, concentration, and word search by Michelle Harvey – Use your good “l” sound as you say each target speech word.
  3. L” medial position Battleship by Michelle Harvey – Sink the opponent’s ships by answering questions directly.
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Boom Cards

Boom Cards can be another fun way to strengthen your child or student’s medial l articulation skills.

Here are a few favorite boom cards to work on the medial L sounds:

  1. Sound Loaded Articulation Scenes for L Sound by PlayingSpeech – This resources provides loaded scenes for students to practice the L sound.
  1. Articulation Sound Sorts L BOOM CARDS by Silver Speech – This deck of 14 boom cards helps students sort words containing l into beginning, middle and end positions. There are 120 target words in total.
  1. Camping Articulation Boom Cards™ Freebie by Ivy League Language – This camping themed activity can be used by having students cover each picture with virtual play-doh.

SEE ALSO: Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy

Therapy Room

Are you a speech therapist looking for medial l words to practice with your clients or students?

Here are some fun worksheets and games that you can use in your therapy room to work on the medial l sound.

  1. NO PREP Articulation FREEBIE: Initial, medial, final /L/ by Cat Says Meow – This handy pack provides 27 pages of no prep activities to practice L!
  1. FREEBIE: Articulation Tic Tac Toe – /L/ initial, medial, final and /L/ blends by Articulation Station – This tic-tac-toe activity comes with 10 games targeting /l/ in all positions, as well as /l/ blends. The goal is to practice the target sound in the word 5 times before drawing your X or O on the square
  1. FREEBIE L Articulation Smash Mats: Initial, Medial, Final by Snuggle Bug Speech – These are fun and interactive playdoh smashmats to help students practice the L sound in initial, medial and final position! .
  1. FREEBIE Artic Dino Dig- Interactive Articulation Game for medial & final /l/ by Cincy Speechie – Go on a fossil hunt as you practice /l/ in medial & final positions! Brush away dirt patches with /l/ targets to uncover buried bones until the dinosaur beneath is revealed.
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SEE ALSO: 279+ Free Speech Therapy Digital Materials

Board Games

Board games can be a great way to practice and reinforce your child’s or students’ sounds.

Here are a few favorite board games to try are: Jenga, Tic Tac Toe, or Connect Four to name a few.

Language Development of Speech Sounds

At around 3 years of age your child will begin to use the l sound and should have the l sound mastered in conversation around the age of 5 to 6 years old.

This information of language development of the medial l speech sound is according to the Standardized Sample from the GFTA-2 that 85% of children are able to produce the l sound at the beginning of the word, middle of the word, and at the end of the word around 5 years old.

In Conclusion: Medial L Words Speech Therapy

We hope you have found this article helpful for working on your child or student’s medial l sound.

Be sure to grab your freebie of 20 words to start practicing 5 minutes a day starting today!

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Want More L Words Speech Therapy?

  • Initial L Words Speech Therapy
  • Final L Words Speech Therapy

Want Even More Medial L Words Speech Therapy?

  • 21 Best Reinforcement Games for Speech Therapy
  • 261+ Free Ideas for Digital Therapy
  • 917+ Best Free Boom Cards for Speech Therapy
  • 11 Free Articulation Games for Speech Therapy
  • Best Free Interactive PDF for Speech Therapy All-in-One

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Be sure to check out our most popular posts below!

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.